Wednesday, June 28

Killer Apps, Blog Design, and Comics!

Music: ZZ Top - Greatest Hits
Mood: Satisfied

"In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary."
-Aaron Rose

I changed the image at the top of the blog to this:

I'm including it here because I assume that it will change again at some point, and I'd like to know what I changed it to. I also plan to change some other aspects of the site, but I haven't even figured out what I want to include in the layout, so its a step by step operation.

I added music, mood, and a quote to the top of the post. I did it by hand. I plan on making it part of the layout, but I haven't gotten there yet. I'm also hoping that the blogging functionality of flock continues to improve. Its great now, but there are a bunch of things I'd like to do with the browser that may actually exist as extensions, but are not default. I hope to see improved features in the next release.

Songbird is also a very interesting piece of software. Its based on firefox and is written in XUL and javascript. Its completely cross-platform, which is really cool. Its an iTunes rip off, and the performance isn't the best, but I am very impressed with what they accomplished. And also know that this is a very early release and it is no where near completion, so take it all with a grain of salt.

Another thing of note, is that I was linking a lot in the last few posts. I purposefully went and looked up sources of information for topics I thought someone reading this might want to know about. It is a lot of work, and something that I can't devote as much time to if I intend to post daily. I'll still post links, but just not the wikipedia link and everything else. You probably don't care anyway.

I also intended to make these posts more structured. The last post was very linear, and very long. Too long in my opinion, but I had a lot to say. It looks as though this one will be very long as well, and I understand that length is a deterrent, but if I had time to post during the day things would be in smaller chunks. I'm jumping around a lot and interrupting myself, but thats because its very late and I want to get this post finished.

This is a frame from Its a comic I read every day. I really liked this panel, so I decided to post it and link to the comic. Its really good and I suggest checking it out. The drawing has really improved since its inception and the story is really good too. I look forward to seeing the author at Connecticon.

There were two big real comic events today: Superman Returns and the Spider-Man 3 teaser trailer. I actually saw Superman Returns, and was blown away. The score was fantastic, and I am once again convinced that John Williams is amazing, and that great music is key to the mood of a film. Not everyone likes it though. I think it will be very few that critique it so closely, and the majority of people seem to love it. Very good movie.

The teaser trailer for Spider-Man 3 is cool. Looks like it will continue the francise nicely. It comes out next year so there is plenty of time for new information to surface. The guys over at Applegeeks have posted a lite comic about the trailer, I think its pretty funny. It appears below. They'll also be at Connecticon, so there's another reason I'm so excited.

An interesting article from digg: The use if colour. It was a very concise read about the use of color in a site. Its something I will be referring to as I design the new layout for my site.

I had a whole post outlined to write tonight, but it was shoved aside for Superman. It's nothing too pressing and I've covered a lot of ground. I am satisfied.


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